Kamis, 29 Oktober 2009

Hindia Type

Hindia Type 152 / 120

Facility :
  • 4 bedrooms
  • 1 WC + 2 Bathrooms
  • Living room
  • Guest room
  • Dining room
  • Family Room
  • Kitchen
  • Balcony
  • Garage (capacity 2 car in line)
  • TV Cable (Indovision)
  • Telephone Line
  • Security ( CCTV )

Call Andree - 081318179984
(Price Including Tax and BPHTB)

Atlantic Type

Atlantic Type 152 / 160


Facility :
  • 4 bedrooms
  • 1 WC + 2 Bathrooms
  • Living room
  • Guest room
  • Dining room
  • Family Room
  • Kitchen
  • Balcony
  • Garage (capacity 3 car in line)
  • TV Cable (Indovision)
  • Telephone Line
  • Security ( CCTV )

Call Andree - 081318179984
(Price Including Tax and BPHTB)

Tipe Pasific

PACIFIC TYPE (LB/LT : 162/278)
Indoor Design

Facility :
  • 4 bedrooms
  • 1 WC + 2 Bathrooms + 1 Bathrooms with Bathtub
  • Living room
  • Guest room
  • Dining room
  • Family Room
  • Kitchen
  • Garage (capacity 3 car in line)
  • Private Swiming Pool
  • TV Cable (Indovision)
  • Telephone Line


Call Andree 081318179984
(Price Including Tax and BPHTB)

Town House in Wikipedia

Historically in the United Kingdom, Ireland and in many other countries, a townhouse (or a "house in town") was a residence of a peer or member of the aristocracy in the capital or major city. Most such figures owned one or more country houses in which they lived for much of the year. During the social season (when major balls and drawing rooms took place), and when parliament was in session, peers and the servants moved to live in their townhouse in the capital.

In North America and Australia, the term townhouse is also commonly used to refer to what is known as terraced housing in Britain.

Britain and Ireland

In the United Kingdom and Ireland most townhouses were terraced. Only a small minority of them, generally the largest, were detached, but even aristocrats whose country houses had grounds of hundreds or thousands of acres, often lived in terraced houses in town. For example the Duke of Norfolk owned Arundel Castle in the country, while his London house was a terraced house called Norfolk House in St. James's Square - although that particular terraced house was over 100 feet (30 metres) wide. However, the British and Irish architectural term for a house with party walls with its neighbours on both sides was always "terraced house", not townhouse. There was little difference between the more modest terraced townhouses of less opulent members of the aristocracy, and the terraced houses of wealthy middle class Londoners, but they were generally located in different districts......

Many aristocratic townshouses were demolished or ceased to be used for residential purposes following the First World War. In the post World War II period large terraced houses in general in London and other British cities were divided into flats or converted into offices. However, in the early 21st century this trend is being reversed to some extent, as there is less demand for old houses as offices nowadays since open plan layouts are preferred, and the number of very rich people in London has risen. For example, in 2004, the Grosvenor Group sold two grand terraces houses in Belgrave Square which had been in office use, for reconversion to family houses. The asking price was £12 million each.

Nowadays British property developers and estate agents often call new terraced houses townhouses, probably because the aristocratic pedigree of terraced housing is widely forgotten, and for many people the main mental association of terraced housing is with working class terraced housing, especially in poor districts in the north of England. "Townhouse" still has more exclusive connotations.

Canada and United States

In the United States and Canada, a townhouse has two connotations.[citation needed] The older predates the automobile and denotes a house on a small footprint in a city, but due to having multiple floors (sometimes six or more) it has a large living space, often with servant quarters. The small footprint of the townhouse allows it to be within walking or mass transit distance of business and industrial areas of the city, yet luxurious enough for wealthy residents of the city. In areas so densely built that detached single-family houses are uncommon or almost nonexistent, ownership of a townhouse connotes wealth. Some examples of cities where townhouses are occupied almost exclusively by the wealthy are New York, Chicago, Boston, Philadelphia, Toronto, and San Francisco.

"Rowhouses" are similar, and consist of several adjacent, uniform units originally found in urban areas on the east coast such as Baltimore and Philadelphia, but now found in lower-cost housing developments in suburbs as well. A rowhouse will generally be smaller and less luxurious than a dwelling called a townhouse.

The name "townhouse" or "townhomes" was later used to describe non-uniform units in suburban areas that are designed to mimic detached or semi-detached homes. The distinction between dwellings called just "apartments" or "condos" is that these townhouses usually consist of multiple families, usually multiple floors. The traditional "townhouse" apartment is a two bedroom unit with the living room in the front on the lower level, kitchen in the back. Two bedrooms are on the front and back of the upper level with a single bathroom between. This style has become less popular in areas where it has been adopted by rent control or HUD apartments.

In Canada, and especially in Ontario, townhouses are split into two categories:

  • In condominium townhouses, the purchaser owns only the interior, while the building itself is owned by a condominium corporation. The corporation is jointly owned by all the owners, and charges them fees for general maintenance and major repairs.
  • Freehold townhouses are exclusively owned, without any condominium aspects. In the United States thise type of ownership called fee simple.

"Stacked townhouses" have multiple units vertically (typically two), normally each with its own private entrance from the street.

Asia, Australia and South Africa

In Asia, Australia and South Africa, townhouses are generally found in complexes. Large complexes often have high security, resort facilities such as swimming pools, gyms, parks and playground equipment. Typically, a townhouse has a Strata Title, i.e. a type of title where the common property (landscaped area, public corridors, building structure etc.) is owned by a corporation of individual owners and the houses on the property are owned by the individual owners.

In population-dense Asian cities dominated by high-rise residential apartment blocks such as Hong Kong, townhouses in private housing developments remain almost exclusively populated by the very wealthy due to the rarity and relatively large sizes of the units. Prominent examples in Hong Kong include Severn 8, in which a 5,067 square foot townhouse sold for HK$285 million (USD$37 million) in 2008, or HK$57,000 (USD$7,400) per square foot, a record in Asia, and The Beverly Hills, which consists of multiple rows of townhouses with some units as large as 11,000 square feet.

Commonly in the suburbs of major cities an old house on a large block of land is demolished and replaced by a short row of townhouses, built 'end on' to the street for added privacy.

Bedanya "Townhouse" di Sini dan Mancanegara

KOMPAS.com - Apa definisi town house atau “Rumah Bandar”? Masyarakat umumnya memahami rumah bandar sebagai komplek perumahan kecil yang eksklusif dan berharga mahal.

Benarkah demikian? Dari survey Tabloid RUMAH, kebanyakan rumah bandar yang ditawarkan di Jakarta dan sekitarnya memiliki ciri-ciri sebagai berikut.

- Lokasinya di dalam kota.

- Dalam satu komplek jumlah total unitnya hanya 10—30, dengan luas area umumnya di bawah 5000 m2.

- Bentuk rumah bertingkat (biasanya 2 atau 3 lantai).

- Struktur rumah biasanya berdiri sendiri, bukan kopel.

- Tersedia fasilitas sosial dan fasilitas umum untuk digunakan bersama.

- Sebagian besar dipasarkan dengan sistem penjualan, bukan sewa.

Ciri-ciri inilah yang membangun definisi rumah bandar di Indonesia. Definisi ini sedikit berbeda dengan pengertian town house di luar negeri. Di Eropa dan Amerika, town house didefinisikan sebagai rumah tinggal yang dibangun berderet di mana dindingnya saling menempel antar unit rumahnya (kopel).

Lokasi town house umumnya di tengah kota dan si pemilik juga memiliki tanah di mana unit town house-nya berdiri. Jika status hunian dari bangunan seperti ini adalah sewa, maka namanya bukan lagi town house melainkan kondominium.

Masih di luar negeri, town house adalah alternatif rumah tinggal yang murah di tengah kota, jauh dari citra ekslusif, kecuali di beberapa tempat seperti New York dan Boston yang harga tanah di perkotaannya memang sangat tinggi. Jadi, bisa disimpulkan bahwa istilah town house yang dipakai di Indonesia sudah mengalami pergeseran dari makna aslinya.

Sejarah rumah bandar atau town house di Indonesia dimulai sejak era 80-an. Menurut Wijoyo Hendromartono (Arsitek), town house pertama dibangun di daerah Prapanca, Jakarta Selatan.

Rumah bandar ini ditujukan bagi kalangan ekspatriat yang kebetulan memang banyak bermukim di wilayah Jakarta Selatan. Sementara menurut Tulus Santoso (Ketua REI DKI) istilah town house mulai diperkenalkan kepada masyarakat Jakarta sekitar tahun 80-an, lewat tipe rumah yang ditawarkan oleh sejumlah pengembang real estat saat itu. (Tabloid Rumah/cia/lia)

Rabu, 28 Oktober 2009

Apa itu Town House

KOMPAS.com - KEAMANAN menjadi salah satu pertimbangan utama orang saat memilih hunian. Makanya, banyak orang yang jatuh hati pada town house atawa rumah bandar yang menawarkan konsep satu pintu gerbang plus petugas jaga 24 jam.

Di Indonesia, tren town house mulai berkembang sejak pertengahan 1990-an. Waktu itu, kompleks kecil tersebut lebih membidik pasar ekspatriat. Karenanya, sebagian rumah-rumah di town house kemudian disewakan kepada para pekerja berkewarganegaraan asing.

Istilah town house sebetulnya diadopsi dari Amerika Serikat. Di sana, rumah bandar dikenal dengan sebutan row house. Tapi, akhirnya diganti menjadi town house untuk kepentingan promosi. Cuma, proyek di Indonesia belum meniru seutuhnya konsep dari Negeri Uwak Sam itu, di mana penghuni memiliki ruang parkir di bawah hunian.

Kawasan selatan Jakarta menjadi salah satu tempat favorit pengembang membangun town house. Soalnya, daerah tersebut mempunyai nilai jual tinggi. Bahkan, sebagian kalangan menilai tinggal di selatan Jakarta memiliki prestise yang lebih dibandingkan wilayah lain. Tidak heran, town house banyak bermunculan di selatan Jakarta..

Tapi, bukan berarti town house tidak punya kekurangan, lo. Di mata Kepala Riset Jones Lang Lasalle Anton Sitorus, ada sejumlah kelemahan. Pertama, lantaran jumlah penghuni yang tinggal di sana sedikit, sosialisasi dengan tetangga satu kompleks menjadi terbatas.

Kedua, para pemilik tidak boleh sembarang mengubah desain rumah mereka sendiri. Sebab, "Aturan main tinggal di town house biasanya tidak boleh mengganti desain asli rumah," ajar Anton. (KONTAN/Anna Suci

Selasa, 01 September 2009


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